Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wedding Wednesday- Favors!

I have the weirdest details planned out for our wedding. So far, we have a venue, date, and caterer. No photographer, DJ, dress, etc. So why then, do I daydream about details like candy bars, signature drinks, and invites?! Tonight, we meet with our **fingers crossed** photographer! I hope she's as wonderful as she has been in the emails. That will be another great thing to check off :) In the meantime, I'm obsessing over our end of the evening snacks!

Our original plan was to hire a food truck to come in to serve street food to our guests as they left the venue. I had seen adorable shots of Carpe Donut, ice cream trucks, and taco vendors coming in to feed the masses- but I couldn't find the right fit for us near our venue.

Plan B was platters of chicken fingers, mozz sticks, and other finger food goodies- but our caterer gently reminded us of the massive amount of food we are already planning to serve early on (Family style dinner!! more on that later!)

So what to do? Soft Pretzels!

The boy is obsessed with them (as am I), and they suit our needs perfectly. Paired with a candy bar full of sugary treats, they will be the perfect take away at the end of the evening. Of course, we can't just pile them onto a plate and say "take one". Here's how I'm thinking of making them a little more special...

Piled on fancy plates

Fun dipping sauces (I loveee mustard)

Source: via Ami on Pinterest

White paper take away bags with a pretty stamp

What details would you plan out first?

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