Friday, February 11, 2011

Mani Update- Week 1

The initial mani using OPI Axxium:

After one week (Friday-Friday):

ew, ignore my dry winter mits

Considering my manis are usually DESTROYED after 2 days, I'm pretty happy! Although it's certainly not indestructible (some tip wear, uneven grow out, fading in some places), I put my hands through hell every day. I use hand sanitizer about every 8 minutes between the hours of 2 and 7, walk the dog 3x or more a day (its been 15 degrees out most mornings), and don't use cuticle oil or lotion nearly enough. Add in the fact that I type a good bit and pick at my nails-bad habit, I know- and you've got a pretty tough little mani.

The areas where I noticed the most peeling/chipping were areas that were applied thickly. Anywhere that the product pooled around the cuticle has caused a little more wear to show up. That being said, I would still go for 3 coats of color next time for a deeper finish.

I think I am going to do another coat of OPI Ink (regular polish) on my own in a few days to fill in the cuticle grow out and cover up the tip wear.

Have you tried the Axxium line yet? Any favorite colors?

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